Sunday, January 24, 2010

Imperfect Timing

Fitting a run into my daily routine is becoming increasingly difficult. Some of it is due to my busy schedule, but most of it is due to procrastination. This is not a new phenomenon. If you don’t believe me, check out this excerpt from my previous blog:

“I am a terrible procrastinator, so it’s easy to find things to do when I don’t want to run. Usually it starts out with something constructive, like doing the dishes. Then, I check the messages on the phone. The phone is next to the computer, so then I check my email. From there, it’s a slippery slope to the television, which is one step away from a nap. If sleep takes over, and it has on occasion, it’s game over.” – Chuck Teed, October 11, 2006

Lately, I find myself pushing back the start time until it’s almost too late. Yesterday I didn’t get outside until well after dark (those of you who read the blog daily will note that I planned on running in the daylight), thus maintaining my streak of night time runs. Today I had a six hour running window, but didn’t manage to leave the house until I had less than an hour to spare. Guess what happened to the length of my run? If I don’t start focusing a short term goal (a race, for example), I am never going to make it to the starting line of the marathon.

Yes, I know I that I should be focusing on building a base, but I also don’t want to get into a rut, and these short runs are starting to get to me. I need to switch up the routine, so if anyone in the blogosphere has any suggestions, I am all eyes (I would say ears, but I imagine I’ll be reading your response). Drop me a line at, or post a reply below.


  1. Maybe you just need a running partner or something else to motivate you? I never run as fast or hard as when I am next to someone on a treadmill.

  2. As soon as I can find some runners that will put up with me, I'll be ready to go!

  3. Hey Chuck, I'm with Brian, start running with a group atleast a couple times per week. We've got a good group at 6:30 at Alex's shop in market square. Usually do 5-6 miles. There are those who run it fast and those who are not fast. Also, do hill repeats once a week along with a warm up and cool down. Go for a trail run, just find a packed snowmobile trail and off to the woods you go. They are excellent running. There are lots of folks to run with, you just have to show up. Like this weekend is the reverse hypo(from the west side to Mispec)9am start or a 10k from the breakwater to Mispec(10am start)

  4. I'm contemplating doing the half tomorrow - might be a bit longer than I am used to, though.
