Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cool (Cold) Runnings

I’m getting sick. Not the down and out for days variety, but the lingering cough and cold sort of ailment that makes you miserable while you go to school or work. If I had my druthers, I would rather be forced to stay in bed, but something tells me I’ll be good enough for a class or two tomorrow morning.

I am also good enough for a run or two this weekend. At this point, the illness is lodged in my sinuses, which means it’s not adversely affecting my breathing. When it come to physical activity and sickness, my philosophy is ‘if it’s in your chest, take a rest, if it’s in your head, get out of bed,’ and until someone tells me otherwise, I’ll stick with it.

Speaking of cold, these runs are starting to get a little chilly. The last few days were around the freezing mark (32 degrees Fahrenheit for those of you in the United States), but tonight the temperature dipped down to about -5, and I could definitely tell a difference in my comfort level. My hands were cold, and my toes were freezing. It might be time for some new cold weather running duds.

Other than that, the run went without incident. In fact, this was the first time since I started training where I felt motivated to add an extra couple of minutes to the run. I decided against it at the last minute – groceries beckoned – but I’m feeling confident that a Sunday morning long run isn’t out of the question. How long has yet to be determined, but if I stay on my feet for an hour, I won’t complain.

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