Monday, January 4, 2010

Slow and Steady Builds a Base

If there’s anything that can make your athletic endeavours seem tame, it’s reading a well written mountain climbing book like Touching The Void. For those of you who do not know the story, it’s about a climber who breaks his knee on top of a 20,000 foot mountain, falls into a 100 foot crevasse, and is left for dead. Three days later he literally crawls back to base camp, surviving on nothing more than fumes and a few handfuls of water. Those icy Saint John streets don’t sound so rough now, do they?

Reading the book almost cancelled my run. By the time I put it down, it was nearly 8:00PM, and I still hadn’t prepared dinner. Luckily, I wasn’t feeling overly ambitious in the cooking department, so I was fine with some toast with almond butter and some blueberry cereal. I probably should improve my diet if I am going become a better runner, but for now I am content to fight one battle at a time, thank you.

Tonight was another exploration of West Saint John. Didn’t stray too far from the house, avoided cold, slushy puddles, and called it a night before fatigue slowed me down too much. At this point I’m only keeping track of time spent on my feet (about 30 minutes a night thus far), because I don’t want to get too obsessed with distance this early into training. Once I get a few solid weeks of running under my belt I’ll start upping the ante, but until then it’s slow, steady, and short.

If anyone has any nuggets of running wisdom they would like to share with me, please feel free to post, or drop me an email at I might have a few years of running under my belt, but I have plenty to learn about the sport.

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