Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dog Days of Winter

It’s been a busy few days, and the blog has suffered as a result. I had 20 centimeters of snow to shovel Wednesday, a social studies project due Thursday, and a gig last night, so writing has fallen by the wayside. I also missed my run two days in a row due to all the hectic activity. Not a good training week, that’s for sure.

That being said, I have been physically active all week. I am currently taking a physical education class as part of my Education degree, and at least half of each class consists of the students running around the gymnasium. We spent most of Thursday afternoon dancing, and I was soaked with sweat by the end of class. If you see me busting out some new moves on the dance floor, you’ll know why.

And let’s not forget the shoveling. It seems that my driveway is a snowdrift zone, so each snowfall requires at least two trips outside to finish the job properly. I had to include a third trek on Wednesday to shovel out the mouth of the driveway, which was filled with heavy, thick snow from helpful Mr. Plow. I should really consider investing in a snow blower.

I did manage to make it outside yesterday. It was the polar opposite of my run on Tuesday. I started out slow, and got progressively slower as the run progressed. The sidewalks were snow covered and slippery, and each step forward was weak and tenuous. I felt like I was starting from scratch, and it was discouraging at best. At least it was a short run.

I am hoping today’s trek is better. If I hurry, I can get outside before it is dark outside. Hopefully that will lift my spirits and give me the energy I need to complete the run successfully. Fingers crossed.

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