Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Need For Speed

Man, what a great run! I didn’t expect much when I stepped outside – it was 11:30PM and I was starving – but for some reason I had a lot of pickup on my step when I started running. Usually it takes me a few minutes to massage the kinks out of my legs, but today I was a well oiled machine, and I took advantage of the situation to push myself a little harder than usual.

I attacked the hills with ease. I dodged potholes and pedestrians with confidence. My form felt tight, and my leg turnover was faster than normal. I floored the gas pedal on the homestretch, running at race pace for the last time minutes of the run. I was panting when I finally stopped, but it was a good burn, the type when get when you know you’ve left it all on the track (or in this case, street). I’m pumped.

I can’t get too pumped, though. It’s well past midnight, and I have 8:30 classes in Fredericton tomorrow. If I have any luck we’ll get snowed in, but something tells me I’ll be going to class. Let’s see how fast I am moving on less than six hours sleep.

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