Friday, January 29, 2010

State of the Training Address

My first month of training is approaching its end, and so far so good. I am running five days a week, and have added some hectic gym classes and Wii Fit in for good measure. I have started eating better – poverty has forced me to avoid restaurants – and am getting used to eating smaller portions. I doubt I’ll ever be a health nut – I love chocolate too much for that to happen – but if I can keep active and relatively healthy, I won’t complain.

My Phys Ed class is certainly keeping me active. We have spent the last few classes practicing creative movement, and the last lesson consisted of the students coming up with their own dance routines. My group came up with some elaborate moves (the gun fight at the end was a highlight), and by the time we were done we were all sweaty and exhausted. I suppose it could be worse – we could be writing midterms.

I thought the excessive amount of dancing and posting would ruin my run, but I found myself boogying down the West Side Streets at a fairly rapid pace. I don’t exactly know how fast I am moving out there, but I know that I am getting faster, and that’s all I need to inspire me thus far.

I’ll have a better idea of my pace tomorrow. I plan on running a measured course, which will give me an idea of where I stand in terms of fitness. I don’t plan on running fast – it’s going to be a long, slow, distance run – but at least it will give me an idea of how fast I should be running on subsequent outings.

I would spend some time explaining that last statement, but I need to get ready to go out. I can’t pass up a good party, even if it’s happening the night before my long run. I’ll try to be on my best behaviour, but no promises.


  1. As a reformed choco-holic i am here to say that you can kick the habit but becoming a cheapo and refusing to buy it for yourself...thats what i did at first and just cut cold turkey not letting myself have any and making myself feel guilty for having some. I am still great when i don't let myself indulge BUT i will admit the moment i do let myself it's hard to just stop at one piece...i often find myself saying oh just one more...and then i end up feeling sick and i stop eating it again for at least a month. Lol. I still have a major sweet tooth...but i find fruit helps me cure those cravings and my yummy kadhi cereals...Go lean and organic cinammin harvest. I will admit i have an issue with cereal i am addicted. I will sometimes have 3 bowls a day...rare mind you but last Friday that Keep up the blog!!! Good work...i love it:)

  2. I've replace chocolate with cereal and fruit too. Lots of grapefruit and mango, and way too much Kashi!!!
