Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Midnight Runner

I am having a hard time fitting a daily run into my schedule. I thought about venturing outside yesterday, but working from 9AM until 7:30PM tends killed my willpower. Today wasn't much better. Three classes in Fredericton and an 8PM jam with Penny Blacks left me with little time to spare, and the frigid temperatures (it's currently -14, -20 with wind chill), weren't exactly inviting me outside. What is a boy to do in these situations?

Procrastinate, of course. I had time to run between classes and jamming, but an afternoon nap killed any chance of that happening. I then spent an hour post-jam doing various chores around the house, hoping the urge to run would subside.

It didn’t, and at 11:30 I found myself pulling on my hat and mittens and venturing outside. It was mighty cold, so I added several layers of clothing to my frame before exiting the house. Aside from my face, I was actually quite warm, and the run ended up being quite enjoyable. The stars were out in full force, and I found myself daydreaming while wandering through a few unfamiliar West Side neighbourhoods. I even extended the run by a few minutes because it felt a little short. Not too bad, considering I didn’t want to leave the house.

Speaking of procrastinating, I better get to bed. It’s almost 1AM, and I need to wake up in a little over five hours in order to make it to my first classes in Fredericton tomorrow morning. Going to bed at a decent hour would probably kill my urge to nap in the afternoon, but that’s a battle I will have to fight another day.


  1. Good stuff Chuck. Way to get out there when you can. As a parent of two young girls, my schedule often presents challenges time wise. Often I'll find myself out running the roads of Hampton at 10pm. Once you get past the door, late night is a great time to run. It is peaceful, starry, moonlit and crisp.... the perfect time for reflection.

  2. And you don't have to worry about dense traffic, either!
