Sunday, January 10, 2010

(Not So) Long Run

My attempt at a Sunday long run was a failure. Actually, I can't even say I attempted a long run. Basically, I did a short destination run this morning, thinking I would have a chance to venture outside later in the day. That never happened. Instead, I treated myself to the WORST AUCTION EVER.

How bad was it? I spent an hour listening to an ancient auctioneer berate the tiny crowd for not buying junk. Here's a sample riff from this afternoon's festivities.

"This porcelain swan is worth at least 150 dollars. You'd be stupid to pass this up. Who wants it for ten dollars? Eight? Five? Forget it, I'm putting it away. Next up is a box of random knives and forks that are worth at least 100 dollars. No one in their right might could ever do without these. Who will take the entire box for 10 dollars. What's wrong with you people?"

Anyway, going to the auction led to a trip to the mall (that's what happens when you don't buy stuff at auctions), which led to a trip to Kent's Building Supplies (that's what happens when you decide you can't afford the stuff at the mall and need to fix up the stuff you already own), which led to coffee, donuts, and a few more stores. I didn't make it home until well after dark, and all of my running clothes were wet with sweat because they had sat in a gym bag after my destination run. Guh.

It is now midnight, my running clothes are in the wash, and I am getting ready for bed. I’m annoyed that I didn’t get my long run in, but at least I ran today, so the day is not a total loss. I’ll try to make up for the lost mileage sometime this week.


  1. Funny bit about the auctioneer. I'm sure it was Charlie from A-1.

    I often found he followed up the disgust at nobody paying $150 for a porcelain swan with something like...

    "Who wants this shovel? Just $3!"

    [Quickly points to one of 15 suddenly raised hands, then yells]


    [Pause for a second, condescending glance at the crowd, beginning the wagging of the index finger]

    "No, no, no ... all you that thought you would wait and get it for $1, forget it! Move fast people, or you'll miss out!"

  2. I would have used the shovel to put most of the items in a landfill. The selection was tragic. Mind you, I was looking for a few nice pieces of furniture, so perhaps I wasn't the target audience. Hopefully I'll have better luck in the future.
