Saturday, January 9, 2010

Running Against The Wind

It’s getting colder every time I step outside. The current temperature is -10 (-20 with wind chill), and it’s supposed to be even colder tomorrow morning. So much for saving money on heating bills this winter.

Luckily for me, it was only -8 (-17 with wind chill) when I ran earlier this evening. I didn’t immediately notice the difference in temperature when I stepped out of the house, but soon the wind was slapping me across the face and I was wondering if I had enough layers to finish my run in comfort. I decided the best bet was to find a route that would keep me sheltered from the cold, and hope for the best.

My quest led me to Seawood Lane. Big enough for one car to pass through comfortably, Seawood is surrounded by trees, which kept me protected from the arctic breeze long enough to warm up. Sadly, it’s only about a kilometer in length, so it wasn’t long before I was assaulted by the wind once again.

I think the urge to get out of the cold increased my tempo on the run. I pushed hard on the hills (both up and down), and generally kept a brisk pace. It’s probably the best I’ve felt since I started training, and bodes well for my long run tomorrow. My goal is relatively pedestrian – if I crack an hour, I’ll be surprised – but I need to start varying the distances or I’ll get stale. Hopefully the weather cooperates and I don’t freeze out on the roads.

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