Sunday, January 3, 2010

Weekend Update

OK, so I didn’t make it out for my run on Saturday. I forgot about a morning concert (I play bass in the band Penny Blacks, and you can check us out here) when planning my day, so my running time was spent running around the house in the hopes of looking presentable for the gig. By the time we wrapped up at the City Market, the weather was bad enough to keep me inside. Hopefully shoveling show counts as cross training.

That being said, I did manage two runs this weekend. The first adventure took place Friday night, and took me around my neighbourhood. I don’t know the area too well yet – I just moved to Fundy Heights two weeks ago – so I used the run as an opportunity to visit my little subdivision. I took several twists and turns that led to dead ends, and eventually ended up at Martello Tower. I hadn’t visited the landmark in years, and never realized what a wonderful view it provided. Now that it’s within walking distance, I’ll have to stop by and enjoy the sights.

Tonight I went in the opposite direction, which led me toward the Irving Nature Park. I wasn’t wearing any reflective gear (forgot it at home), so instead of running on the side of the road as I usually do, I spent most of my time sloshing through wet snow on unplowed sidewalks. I can’t say it was the greatest run I ever experienced, but it felt a lot better than the Martello Tower adventure two days ago. Hopefully it won’t take too long to get into decent running condition.

I’m keeping these entries short and sweet for now, but I plan on picking up the pace once my runs become more adventurous. I expect it won’t take too long before something noteworthy happens on the roads...


  1. Hey Chuck,
    Misery loves company so get ready. Running in SJ in the winter is less than thrilling, however as far as the city goes, West is best for running. Have a great winter and feel free to come run on Thursdays at 6:30 at Alex's shop in Mkt Square. Also, on the weekends there is a bunch training for spring marathons, out in Hampton. If you want to be kept in the loop for long runs, look me up on facebook.
    There is a slow group and a fast group. Cheers.
