Sunday, January 17, 2010

Another Midnight Special

Ok, this blog was delayed, but for good reason: I spent most of the day fixing my toilet. What started as a quick, one hour job (replacing the wax seal) turned into an eight hour ordeal that included trips to three different hardware stores. Everything is fine now, but at one point there was a chance we’d have to spend the night without a toilet, which is never fun in a Canadian winter.

Anyway, my plumbing adventures pushed back my run until midnight. Thinking I had the sidewalks to myself, I daydreamed until I almost knocked over another person running in the opposite direction. I hate getting caught off guard like that, but at least it woke me up to my surroundings. I guess other people do wander the streets after dark.

The rest of the run went without incident. It wasn’t as enjoyable as last night’s outing – I was really feeling the hills – but I finished faster and more energized than when I started. Hopefully I left some gas in the tank for tomorrow’s run.

I’d write more, but it’s much too late for logical thought at this point. I am sure there are a lot more running related topics I could talk about here, so if you have any suggestions for blog entries, feel free to comment, or simply drop me an email at I update the blog all the time, so you can expect a quick response!

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