Thursday, September 9, 2010

Training Pains

It's 11:02PM and I am sitting on my couch, mindlessly watching television. I'm not sure if I can top the last three blogs (thanks Clinton and Chris!) but I'll least try to keep it consistent. No more three month layoffs between updates.

My training focus took a bit of a hit after Monday's run, and I've had a hard time meeting my daily goals. I planned on running seven 800 meter repeats Wednesday night, but ended up doing three mile repeats instead. I ran well, but the workout felt incomplete. Hopefully running the Hampton Five Miler on Sunday will make up for it.

Today I decided to run from my house to my mothers house. It's a bit of a hike - thirteen miles, to be precise - but I thought it shouldn't be a problem. For some reason, it was. Maybe it was a lack of sleep, or poor food choices during the day, but I fell apart with about five kilometers left. Luckily, a roadside apple tree provided me enough nourishment to finish the run. Guess it was the diet after all.

On a bright note, I am looking forward to the Hampton Five Miler. It's been over a month since my last race, and I've made a lot of progress since then. I am not sure if my time will reflect my progress, but I'll worry about that after I cross the finish line. Wish me luck!

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