Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sprinting In The Rain

So the KV Challenge is about a month away, and it looks like I'll be running with a lot of people. One hundred and thirty one people are already registered (including forty two in the marathon), and all signs point towards a record turnout. I guess I'll have to work extra hard now; no need to bonk in front of a large audience.

Today I returned to the Irving Nature Park with the intent of running four repeat kilometers. As per usual, I procrastinated until lack of time forced me outside, and was greeted by cold, hard rain. It was the first time in months that I considered putting on pants for a run, but I decided against it, opting for bare legs instead. I don't care if it's snowing out, if I can handle shorts, I'm wearing 'em.

After a brief warm up - and, let's face it, there was nothing warm about running into a rainy headwind - I started my first repeat. I didn't have a time in mind, but hoped I could break four minutes for each kilometer. The first kilometer contained a lot of hills, but I still managed a 3:55. Not too shabby.

I took a short rest, and started my next repeat. I heard the crunch of tires behind me, indicating a car was approaching, and decided to bump it up a notch, attempting to keep the car behind me for the full kilometer. I pulled it off with ease, and looked to my watch to discover a 3:37 repeat. Sadly, the car drove off before I could rub in my win, and I was left to finish my workout alone.

My next two repeats weren't quite as fast as my second kilometer, but I was still comfortably under my four minute goal time. With the rain really coming down, I decided to try one more repeat. It started off well, but the combination of cold legs, wet clothes, and race fatigue took the wind out of my sails. I struggled to a 4:06, and decided it was time to jog my soggy bottom back to the car.

Before I go, I just have to repeat how much fun I had at the Hampton Five Miler. Not only was it a great course, but the post race food was top notch (lots of fresh fruit and yummy sandwiches), and the awards were fabulous. I didn't even place and I walked away with a sweet technical shirt and a $55 Java Moose Gift Card, all for the low, low price of twenty five dollars. I'm off the coffee for now, but Sarah will enjoy some tasty beverages in my place. I can't wait to go back next year!

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