Thursday, September 2, 2010

Good Times, Bad Times

It's 2AM and I am listening to the Galaxie Classic Rock Station on my television. It's more miss than hit, but I am too lazy to search for an appropriate CD. Hopefully some brilliant rock masterpiece will hit the airwaves and coax an amazing blog out of me.

The last two days have tested my resolve as a runner. I planned an easy trail run yesterday, but found my legs completely unwilling to cooperate. I tramped heavily through the woods, the heat beating down mercilessly, praying for a quick end to the torture. The end nearly came via a twisted ankle, which snapped angrily back into place after I stumble over an exposed tree root. I shouted an obscenity, limped a few steps, and then crawled out of the woods to complete my journey on a relatively safe dirt road. It was easily my worst run in weeks; I hope to avoid a repeat on race day.

I fared much better today. I planned to run four repeat miles at marathon race pace (7:10), but instead decided to run each repeat 30 seconds faster. I easily breezed through the first mile (6:40), and had absolutely no problem completing the workout. In fact, I ran the final mile in 6:29, which I thought was pretty decent in 30 degree weather. Feeling satisfied but not completely spent, I figured I would celebrate with a casual 5k later in the day.

That five 5k turned into three fast miles. I visited Alex Coffin at Rockwood Park, and he somehow coerced me into running with his group. The next thing I know, I am running repeats around Lily Lake, huffing and puffing alongside the Saint John High School cross country team. I finished the first mile in 6:17 and got steadily faster, peaking at 6:07 for my last lap. Not bad for an easy cool down run.

Well that's it for now. I have a twenty miler planned for weekend, and provided I don't blow away, I expect to run the twenty miles at the Irving Nature Park. If anyone wants to convince me otherwise, I am all ears; I would love to mix it up a bit between now and October!

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