Thursday, September 23, 2010

Track After Dark

Good news! My work prayers were answered this week, and I spent every day supply teaching at Forest Hills Middle School. I am trained as an elementary teacher, but if someone offers me work, I'll take it. Next step: contract.

Unfortunately, I'm not used to balancing work and working out, and I had a hard time getting out of the house this week. I managed to fit in all of my runs, but it wasn't easy. Take tonight, for example. I made it home at a decent time, but I felt like napping after dinner and struggled with the concept of speed work. By the time I made it to the Princess Elizabeth track it was pitch dark, and it took a lot of mental energy to pull my body out of the car and start my warm up.

Because I am still recovering from the Fundy Rocks Half Marathon (thanks, Alex), I decided to take it easy and do three simple repeat miles. My goal on paper was 6:20 per mile, but I wanted to at least match, if not exceed, my 6:18 race pace at the Hampton Five Miler. I thought it would be a struggle - I plodded slowly through my warmup - but after easily running a 6:19 repeat, I decided to pick it up a notch. I started the next mile stronger, held my top pace a little longer, and knocked my time down to 6:14.

My last repeat was even faster. I was aiming for a sub 6:10, but after running my first lap in 1:30, I decided a 6 minute mile was in my sights. I pushed hard for the final three laps, and just missed the mark with a 6:01. If I play my cards right, I'll be in the 5 range before I know it.

I really wish I could have gotten to the track earlier, because the workout really lifted my spirits. Before I went to Princess Elizabeth I was in a foul mood, but now I feel like I can take on the world. I'll have to remember that the next time I procrastinate prior to a run.

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