Saturday, October 23, 2010

Not So Final Thoughts

It's almost 3AM on Saturday night and I am eating some terrible snacks before I get back on the training bandwagon. I took the week off to indulge, and now I am feeling gross. Stupid cookies. Why are you so tasty?

So, I've had a week to fully digest the KV Challenge experience, and I thought it might be a good idea to write a few highlights for those who are considering running the race next year. Consider it an informed review from someone who has experienced the event first hand.

The Great

Value - I picked up my registration as part of a $120 race package. The package included the Fundy Rocks Half Marathon, The KV Challenge, and an $80 dollar gift certificate for Alex Coffin's Fitness Shop. So, KV basically cost me $20. In return, I received a race jacket, a twenty dollar Irving gas card, two meals, a massage, and a finishers medal. Talk about bang for your buck!

Course Support - The water stops were plentiful and well equipped. The volunteers that manned the stops were super helpful - I never had to ask for Gatorade or water - and really encouraging, which meant a lot as the miles increased. The course was also well marked; I never worried about getting lost during the run. Hopefully they can convince a lot of these volunteers to return next year.

The Good

The Course Itself - The KV Challenge is tough, but fair. No one would accuse it of being a flat race, but aside from a long, lonely climb around mile 15, it's pretty standard fare. And the scenery is wonderful; most of the time you have a perfect view of the Kennebecasis River, and you're constantly surrounded by crisp fall colors. One word of warning, though - the traffic on the old Hampton Highway moves relatively quick, so make sure you stay on the shoulder of the road!

The numbers - The race attracted a record crowd this year. Registrations for the half-marathon doubled, and marathon applications increased significantly. The race isn't rivaling Marathon By The Sea just yet, but its growth proves that the region can support two marathons per year.

Things To Work On For Next Year

Punctuality - The race started about 30 minutes late this year. I think the issue was out of the organizing committee's control - the chip timing system crashed before the race - but hopefully they can avoid a repeat. No one wants to stand outside in the cold before a marathon.

The Weather - I don't know the organizers have to call to get a tail wind happening, but I hope they get on it right away.

Overall Impression - I'm going to give the race an Alex Coffin thumbs up. Aside from the delayed start, I had an excellent run, and I plan on making it to the starting line again next year. Hopefully a few more people join me - it's a wonderful event!

Time to start training again. For what, I am not sure, but I expect to hit the roads again at some point tomorrow. Hopefully I can stay motivated over the winter months. I'm also looking for the perfect spring marathon. Currently I'm leaning towards Fredericton, but I am open to suggestions. If you have any ideas, drop me a line!

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