Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tempting Tempo

I'm having a lazy day today. It started off promising; I was interviewed on CBC about the upcoming Music New Brunswick Awards (you can find the interview here for a limited time, so act now!), which meant I was awake much earlier than usual. However, when I got home, I sat on the couch, popped in a DVD, and promptly fell asleep. It happens to best of us, I guess.

Luckily, I woke up in time for a tempo run with Marta Kelly. I met Marta at Alex Coffin's Fitness Shop, added her to Facebook, and started bugging her about training together. Since then, we've worked out together a handful of times, which helped get my training back on track this summer. Most of our workout have included lots of speedwork, which proves that misery loves company.

Today we hit the Irving Nature Park for a quick and dirty 5.5k tempo run. Marta was planning to run at a 4:40/km pace, and I, as usual, had no clue how to pace myself. I decided the best bet was to go out relatively fast, and see how the run unfolded. I pushed through the first kilometer around 4:10 and held that pace for the first 3k, but then the wheels started falling off. To keep from slowing to a crawl, I broke the run into 500 meter intervals and convinced my brain that I would stop after the next marker. Of course, I didn't, and soon I was in the final stretch, running strong. Time for the 5.5k - 23:46. Not exactly setting the world on fire with that time, but faster than I expected.

I'll probably take tomorrow off, but I'm planning to run at least 30k on Sunday. Fudge has tentatively agreed to bike with me, and if all goes well we'll run some of the most scenic roads New Brunswick has to offer. Sounds fun, doesn't it? Stay tuned for more details!


  1. Thought Marta and I might have run into you on our long run on Sunday ........ instead we ran into a real bear !! on the Spruce Lake trail. Always fun.....

  2. I read about it on Facebook and included it in my latest blog!
