Monday, August 9, 2010

Back on the Blog

I still do not have a functioning computer, but I've borrowed one long enough to update my blog. Here's what you've missed in the last four months.

Music: I've recorded and played a handful of shows with Clinton Charlton (you can purchase 'A Place to Play A Song' here), and have also spent some time recording with Penny Blacks. Hopefully we'll have an album out within the next year, but at this point I am not sure. Fingers crossed

School: I finished my Bachelor of Education July 16 (4.0 GPA!), and will have my diploma in October. Hopefully I will also have a teaching position by that point, but no one has knocked down my door just yet. Hopefully I'll be permanently employed before I retire.

Training: I almost fell off the wagon a few times, but I can safely say I am back on course. My times aren't as fast as they need to be, so Boston might be out of the question for October. That being said, I have noticed a few problems in my training that I have corrected in the last few weeks, and I hope those changes will bring me close to race shape for the fall. The next race on my schedule is the Hampton Five Miler; if I can average around 4 minutes per kilometer, I know I will have a fighting chance to run well at the KV Challenge. Wish me luck.

I will attempt to get everyone up to speed over the next few weeks. If anyone has a little computer they're willing to part with, let me know!

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