Monday, August 23, 2010

Sunday Is Run Day

So I guess the Spruce Lake trail isn't as tranquil as I thought; my friends Marta Kelly and Brent Bethune used the trail as part of their Sunday long run and ran straight into a bear. No one was hurt, but the bear stood on its hind legs, giving me the impression that it wasn't too fond of strangers. I might have to check that run off my list until hibernation season.

My Sunday run, a 30K from my mother's house to Chris Fudge's house in Hampton, was bear free, but Chris and I encountered a fair share of unleashed dogs during our travels. Most dogs were intent on following us to the edge of their driveway, but one aggressive mutt ran out into the road with the intention of nibbling some ankles. Luckily, a very apologetic pet owner stopped the dog before he made a meal of me. It's probably good that the dog didn't get a taste; the salt content alone would have sent his blood pressure through the roof.

Why the salt, you ask? Well, it was another sweaty scorcher, hovering around 30 degrees when I left my mothers house at 3:30PM. Luckily a cool wind provided some relief, as did a steadily falling thermometer throughout the run. That being said, it was still mighty hot, so I adjusted my pace accordingly.

It took about 10k to kick the run into full gear. I stayed up late the previous two nights (back to back gigs with Penny Blacks), and hadn't eaten as well as I usually do, which I think made a difference. However, the scenery was enough to keep me distracted, and I floated easily for most of the run. Knowing the area helped, as it allowed me to break the distance into short, manageable sections. In less than two hours, I was just outside of Hampton, and feeling great.

That feeling didn't last long. As soon as I hit Main Street my quads started seizing up, and my pace faltered. However, I was able to maintain my focus for the last 8 kilometers, and chugged steadily away, even taking a detour to ensure a 30K+ run. I hit Chris' driveway in 2:52 flat, and celebrated the day's activities with a frosty beverage and a couple of well deserved burgers. Pass the ketchup, please.

Next up is some more speed work. Not sure what I have planned, but I intend on moving relatively quick. I'll add some photos for your enjoyment shortly.

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