Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sluggish Sunday

Two blogs in two days? That's an unprecedented amount of output, but I wanted to let you know about the amazing run I had today.

Ok, I am lying. My run today was terrible. It was just one of those days where I couldn't get anything right. Wrong clothes for the weather? Check. Badly planned route? Check. Dead legs? Check and check.

First off, let's start with the clothes. For some reason, I decided that three layers was sufficient for ten degree weather. Maybe in January, yes, but not in ten degree weather. Within minutes my t-shirt was soaked with sweat, and it wasn't too long before my hoodie followed suit. Gross, and uncomfortable.

Secondly, my route - a little loop from my house to Sheldon Point - was challenging and problematic. The trails at Sheldon Point haven't been taken care of in ages (I really hope they fix them up before they officially reopen the Nature Park) and I spent much of my time dodging fallen trees and muddy hills. In some place the trail was nearly non-existent, which led to me getting lost. Eventually, I gave up, and found a trail that led back to the main road.

And my legs just weren't cooperating. I recently bought a pair of Mizuno Elixir 3's (from Alex Coffin's Fitness Shop, of course) in the hopes that their light weight would inspire some faster training runs, but my legs were dead for 80% of the run. I expect some of it is due to last week's layoff, but it's still frustrating to crawl through runs that were easy just 10 days ago. Here's hoping for a noticeable improvement this week.

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