Monday, April 5, 2010

Recruiting Runners

I should be in bed right now, but it's the second day of the baseball season and I am in the zone. I've already watched three games, and I plan on fighting tooth and nail for TV time until the end of the World Series. Sarah, if you're reading this, you've been warned.

Speaking of Sarah (she's my lovely fiance, in case I haven't mentioned), I think I have convinced her to enter the Brent Kelly Memorial Five Miler, taking place at the Irving Nature Park. She occasionally joins me for walk/run intervals, and has made some major progress despite an irregular schedule. She has yet to run five miles, but I fully expect she'll be ready come race day.

Today we decided to walk/run the Nature Park. Since the main road is marked every 500m, I decided we should run 500m for every kilometer. No problem. Sarah averaged about eight minutes per kilometer, which isn't bad considering we were walking half the time. Better yet, she ran the last kilometer non-stop in six minutes, which bodes well for her times once we eliminate the walking breaks. Total time for the Nature Park: 52 minutes.

While we don't run together very often, I really enjoy our outings. There are very few distractions, and it gives us time to update each other on our day. Having someone to run with also encourages us to get out of the house; I know am much more likely to go for a run or walk if I know I have someone to go with, and I am pretty sure Sarah would agree. I imagine we'll run many more races together in the future if Brent Kelly goes as planned.

I had a few more things to add, but I just looked at the time and realized it is far past my bedtime. Hopefully I don't fall asleep in class tomorrow, because I am teaching. Fingers crossed.

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