Saturday, March 13, 2010

Fun Run Report - Pete's Pub Paddy`s Day Dash

March 13 - Pete's Pub Paddy's Day Dash - Saint John
Distance - 5K
Goal - sub 22:30
Finish time - 19:45

Well, that was a surprise. I entered this race with the hope that I might be able to run my marathon pace, and I blew all of my expectations out of the water. While it's nowhere near my PB, it's over a minute faster than my best time last year, and almost three minutes faster that what I expected. Here are some highlights of the run:

1)The Weather - I was hoping I would be able to run in shorts today, and my wish was granted. In fact, I was actually quite comfortable outside. I am sure I blinded a few people with my pasty white legs, but I'm not about to apologize. If you don't like it, wear sunglasses.

2)The Course - I like my courses simple and easy to follow, and Pete didn't let me down. A straight forward out and back around Saint John's South End, I did not need a map to find my way to the finish line. I suspect it might be a tad short (based on my time) but since it was a fun run, I am not about to complain.

3)3) The Loot - Twenty dollars earned me a finishers medal, an all-you-can-eat post race chili meal (two bowls!), a running hat, and a guaranteed prize. I ended up with a 90 dollar Sugoi jacket (courtest of Alex Coffin's Fitness Shop), which looks absolutely fetching on my fiance. Talk about bang for your buck!

4) The People - I had a great time catching up with run club regulars Kelly Burke, Jim Miller, Craig Wilson, and local running guru Darryl Steeves. Special shout outs go to Marta and Frank Kelly, who tagged the race onto the end of their 30K run. Impressive.

As you can see, I had a great day. I won't rest on my laurels, though, because the year is still young and I have a lot of training to do. Next up is the Brent Kelly Memorial 5 Miler, and a steady increase in mileage. Wish me luck!

P.S. If anyone has any photos of the event, please send them to This blog is graphics starved, and I'd like brighten it up a bit.