Monday, March 8, 2010

Back to the Blog Part Two

It's been a while since I wrote, but this time I have a good excuse - I spent four days in Sydney attending the East Coast Music Awards and Conference. To be more precise, I spent three days in Sydney, and one day driving, but who's counting? During that time I played three shows with a miniature version of Penny Blacks - we usually perform as a seven piece, but only four of us made the trip - saw 10-15 different bands, and managed to lose 45 CDs. If anyone finds a box of Hospital Grade, Clinton Charlton, and Ermine CDs, please drop me a line!

In the midst of last week's musical madness, I managed to fit in a handful of runs. Two were actually quite good - I muscled my way through six fast 400 meter repeats on Wednesday (plus warm up and cool down), and ran fifty solid minutes the other night - but the other two were simply average. I was really hoping that I was going to have a wonderful workout week leading up to The Paddy's Day 5K, but I didn't quite hit the mark. We'll see if adversely affects my race performance.

Until then, I suggest you take a look at my friend Amy Grant's blog Buff To The Bone. Amy's a Moncton fitness jockey who is also an avid runner - we ran the Saint John Half Marathon together last year - and she loves giving out health and fitness tips. Check it out!


  1. Awww thanks for the shout out!!! :) You should come up for the April 24th Grande Digue 15k! It's a lot of fun!!!

  2. PS sorry for not reading this sooner! A little behind i must say!
