Thursday, October 7, 2010

Marathon Goals

It's past midnight and I am in Moncton, New Brunswick, typing as quietly as I can in a house full of sleeping people. I just got back from Music New Brunswick showcases (you can find out more about the association here) and should probably go to bed, but I wanted to update the blog because it's in need of an update. I am just that dedicated.

I don't have too much to report in the way of running so far this week. I ran a lively five miles on Tuesday afternoon, and whipped out five repeat miles on Wednesday night (I finally cracked six minutes!), but have otherwise laid low. At least no one can accuse me of over-training.

Since I am lacking in good running stories, I figured it might be a good time to tell you my goals for the marathon.

My Perfect Marathon - sub 3:10
My training tells me that a 3:05 marathon is within reach, but I think it will take a perfect day for this to happen. Yes, I've done a lot of training and yes, I have improved steadily over the last couple of months, but my gut instinct tells me it might be a little ambitious. That being said, if I hit the half in less than 1:35, I'm going to do everything in my power to hold my pace.

My Great Marathon - sub 3:25
My marathon PB is 3:23.38, which was the result of six whole weeks of training. I trained off and on since the beginning of the year for the KV Challenge, and really stepped up my game after I finished school in July. As long as I don't blow up in the second half, a new personal best is definitely within reach.

My Good Marathon - sub 3:55
I ran my slowest long runs at a 3:55 marathon pace. I am confident that I could run a full marathon at this pace without any problems whatsoever, and wouldn't complain if it took me this long to complete the course. I'd be a little surprised, mind you, but I wouldn't complain.

I want to have a great marathon or a perfect marathon, but I really I don't want to see 3:11 when I cross the finish line. I need to run a 3:10.59 or less to qualify for Boston; I would be devastated if I missed the cutoff by a few seconds. I'll have to keep an eye on my watch in the closing stages of the race, otherwise I might be in for unpleasant surprise when I reach the final stretch.

P.S. I haven't copy edited this yet, so apologies in advance for the sloppy writing. I'll fix this first thing in the morning.


  1. Best of luck. I've been following your progress through the summer via the blog, and you seem to be rounding into fine form. Barring an injury, I'm guessing you'll finish in a very good time.
